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Forum moderator: Airbus  
Scale 1 : 150
BoeingDate: Sunday, 17.Jun.2012, 06:00 | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 112
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Pagi om-om semua...mumpung masih pagi,saya izin share yah...

Sebenarnya ini pesawat skala-nya 1 : 150...karena gak ada forum 1 : 150,saya taruh di sini saja yah...

Enjoy... happy

Tampak Atas

Tampak Bawah

Tampak Samping

Sekian dulu yak...nanti lanjut lagi... biggrin


OV-10BroncoDate: Sunday, 17.Jun.2012, 06:40 | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 151
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Status: Offline
Mmmmm...manteb juga yach skala 1 : 150......Om Boeing thumbup , diecast ini buatan pabrikan apa dan bahannnya plastik atau metal???? Mohon infonya om Boeing......tks
aero_xDate: Sunday, 17.Jun.2012, 09:31 | Message # 3
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Administrators
Messages: 117
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Wow, skala 1:150 cool termasuk model yang jarang2 nih.
Pertanyaan yang sama seperti wan Bronco.

BoeingDate: Sunday, 17.Jun.2012, 11:14 | Message # 4
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 112
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Status: Offline

Buatan gak jelas karena beli di Air Asia langsung dan di boxnya nggak ada tulisan DW,GJ,PH,dll gitu...

Bahannya dari mica yang tebal dan lumayan berat...

Terimakasih sudah mampir ke saung saya...



Message edited by Boeing - Sunday, 17.Jun.2012, 11:18
PanglimakapalDate: Monday, 18.Jun.2012, 11:41 | Message # 5
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 287
Reputation: 3
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Mantap dan lanjutken wan kecik!
Btw mana GSE legonya? mainkan dong wink
BoeingDate: Thursday, 21.Jun.2012, 15:59 | Message # 6
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 112
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Siap tayang om Panglima...
fleet777Date: Monday, 25.Jun.2012, 12:49 | Message # 7
Group: Moderators
Messages: 190
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
mantaaaaappp dek rizky, kl gak salah ini bahan resin plastik kali ya

afro angel2 batman
BoeingDate: Monday, 25.Jun.2012, 16:35 | Message # 8
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 112
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Status: Offline
Om Ical bener...
AirbusDate: Wednesday, 22.Aug.2012, 20:14 | Message # 9
Group: Moderators
Messages: 79
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Status: Offline
keren juga yak.... Jd pengen dah... dry

Without Airbus I'm NOTHING
BoeingDate: Thursday, 23.Aug.2012, 19:12 | Message # 10
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 112
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Beli aja om di air asia dharmawangsa...
AirbusDate: Monday, 27.Aug.2012, 23:18 | Message # 11
Group: Moderators
Messages: 79
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Status: Offline
Brp duit yak?

Without Airbus I'm NOTHING
BoeingDate: Wednesday, 29.Aug.2012, 18:17 | Message # 12
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Users
Messages: 112
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
327.000 selisih 30 ribu sama A340 Air Asia By DW Hehehe
ericazhossDate: Friday, 27.May.2022, 20:26 | Message # 13
Group: Users
Messages: 4
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Status: Offline

Help children of war in Ukraine
The Voices of Children Foundation has been helping children affected by the war since 2015. Thanks to you, we provide psychological and psychosocial support to children. It helps them overcome the consequences of armed conflict and develop. Today, during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, we are providing non-stop assistance to affected children and families from all over the country, providing emergency psychological assistance, and assisting in the evacuation process.

Page donat: https://voicekid.eu.org/en/donat/index.htm

We are providing psychological support non-stop. More than 50 psychologists are already working with us. We are helping to evacuate families with children, seeking housing for them, providing them with food and clothing. Please support us so that more children and their families suffering from war receive psychological help and can find shelter.

Contacts: +380 (95) 785 60 62


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